Singaporeans are well known for being very in touch with their hygiene, and if you’re not so sure what type of flooring you should get, there are a couple things you should learn first. The most important thing in any parent’s life is their kids, and if you have heard certain floors like carpet can be harmful to them, you must do further research. There are many things that can be dangerous to children, but sometimes parents don’t know that even the tiniest of things can be harmful to them. Learning whether or not carpet is safe for your children will enable you to decide if it is the right floor for you to get or not.
Is Carpet For Kids Safe?
Let’s be honest about carpets now, there has been quite a lot of thoughts, scares, and warnings being said about carpet and how it can be harmful to children. First of all carpet is considered to be the main type of floor that’s most prone to dirt, bacteria, and germs. On the contrary, the other types of floors are also just as prone to these bacteria. The real scare on carpet isn’t the fact that it can catch germs but the fact that it takes quite a lot of chemicals and products for you to clean and rid them from the germs.
Basically, the carpets aren’t the actual bad guys but the carpet cleaners you use to rid the floor from germs. Some experts have said that the chemicals can be more harmful than the germs of the floor, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ever clean them. It just means that you need to find a healthier and safer cleaning alternative to keep your babies from being exposed to the chemicals of carpet cleaners.
Before you reach for the popular industrial stuff to keep your carpet looking brand new, try some of the safe and eco-friendly carpet cleaning methods. After all, your little one literally lives on the ground doing simply everything on the floor.
Everyday products such as club soda, salt, hydrogen peroxide, baking powder, cornstarch, and vinegar can be very effective carpet odor and stain cleaners. The best part is that they are completely not hazardous to children whatsoever. Many experts have taught how to use these everyday items and how they all offer additional carpet hygiene benefits.
If for any reason these everyday solutions are not cutting it, consider looking for clean products which are labeled to be “non-toxic” because it means it doesn’t have chemicals harmful to anyone in any age. Try also using the products that state that they are eco-friendly because they usually are made with all natural ingredients.
In other words, don’t be afraid to install carpet in your home, because they won’t hurt your babies whatsoever. Always remember to clean your carpet often because the germs can build up and be very dangerous to your baby’s and your health. With the information above, you can now live life without worrying if your carpet will hurt your baby’s health.