Carpets are expensive decorations that we display to enhance the look of a room. It is also the investment which most of us would like to maintain neat and clean for as long as possible. Almost certainly, the elegant carpets we put up get soiled with stuffs like ink, coffee, paint, dressings, etc. Homes with children and pets are especially not spared. Be realistic that one way or the other, stains are inevitable and you will be better off knowing some carpet cleaning tips.
Want to remove carpet stains? Here are some basic procedures on how to get rid of various kinds of carpet stains, cleaning tips that simply rely on what you already have in your home. They will give you ideas on how to react to spills and stains on your carpet.
Tips 1 – Act Fast
Act on the stains fast before a spill or spot turns into a stain. Remember, there is no stain-proof carpet; the more you delay cleaning a spill, the more tedious the stain removing task becomes.
Tip 2 – Don’t Rub on Liquid Spills
In a liquid spill, blot it up carefully. Rubbing will spread the stain deep into the fibers, making the situation worse. Always try to use white paper towels or clean white cotton to soak up the spilled liquid, by pushing gently down. Having removed much of the liquid spill, rinse the spot with water and blot again, until dry. You can control the amount of this rinsing water with the help of a small spray bottle. Keyword here is never ever over wet the stain. Bear in mind not to scrub the area as this may ruin the carpet.
Tip 3- Work from Outside Inwards
Always work inwards from the outside of a spill or stain. Most of us would simply put a soaking wet cloth right into the middle of a spill or stain and start scrubbing, unknowingly rubbing on the stain and spreading it out. This is a NO-NO. Always work from the outside inwards, it’s a safe bet.
Tip 4 – Use Water for Most Stains
When unsure, use cold or lukewarm water first. Heat and hot water will set the stain.
Tip 5 – Avoid Using Soap or Cleaning Detergents
Avoid using soap or cleaning detergents as any leftover residue will attract more dirt later. Use subtle but powerful mixtures like water plus a little washing up liquid, water plus vinegar, etc.
Tip 6 – Seek Professional Help
Though you now know a bit on how to clean your own carpet, professional carpet handlers should not be forgotten. They are the backup you can count on.
Tip 7 – Giving Up
If you find all the above tips to be nothing but troublesome, here’s one solution to alleviate all carpet stain problems => get rid of the carpet!!
These tips may not remove all the stains you find on your carpet completely, but they’re sure to at least improve the appearance of your stains. It is best to use professional carpet cleaning companies like us. We can do the job and also you won’t risk damaging your carpet by trying to remove the stain yourself.